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10 Gym and Workout Accessories

So it’s time to get fit! Here are ten great accessories to upgrade many different workouts.

  1. Sensoria Smart Sock – For serious runners, these socks require a blue tooth enabled smart phone and have an app that recognizes running styles that may result in injury. The app also serves as a virtual coach, guiding runners and providing real time audio cues.
  2. Finis Neptune – Dedicated swimmers will get motivated to train with this device that allows for listening to hours of music, books, or podcasts. It rests on the cheekbones and attaches to the goggle’s strap sending vibrations through the cheekbone. Beautiful sound is delivered to the inner ear, even when fully submerged in water!
  3. Sportiiiis – For devoted cyclers who keep up with statistics, this gizmo is great. A Head-Up Display (HUD) attaches to the cyclist’s sunglasses to provide statistics (heart rate, speed, power, and cadence) through voice prompts.
  4. Trace – For extreme sports enthusiasts (surfing, snowboarding, skateboarding), this tracker attaches to a board and logs in tricks, tracking speed and height. Data can sync with a social smart phone app.
  5. Muse – Yoga lovers will enjoy this brain-sensing headband that works with meditating exercises to give the effects of an almost 30-minute yoga session after only a few minutes! Syncing with an app, it focuses on training breathing.
  6. Babolat Play– Tennis players can use this gadget to learn why balls are being hit out of bounds. It collects data on the player’s power, endurance, swing, technique, and ball impact through sensors on the racket’s handle. Players can see data via an app and work on improving technique.
  7. June Bracelet – Protecting skin from UV rays should be top priority for anyone who exercises outdoors regularly. This stylish bracelet measures UV exposure and provides the UV index.
  8. Fitbit Aria – Up to eight family members or friends who are watching their weight can use this wi-fi smart scale! It measures body fat percentage and body mass index. The data can sync to a smart phone to track progress.
  9. Hapifork – For eaters who feel ravenous after working out, this smart fork helps with portion control. It gives off slight vibrations when eating too fast. Via a mini-USB, it monitors and transfers data like the amount of fork servings per minute and the intervals between servings.
  10. Umoro One – This bottle has a button that will release up to 1.5 scoops of powder mix when pressed. The supplement is held by a ball that also functions as a mixer.

With these technological accessories, there’s no excuse not to get fit and stay fit!

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