Brand new ergometer which simulates the motion of stereotype cross country sport for test and training.
The CROSS COUNTRY ERGOMETER is a brand new product which gives recreational and top-athletes the best opportunity to simulate the motion stereotype of cross country sport for test and training. The complexity of the smooth and gentle motions increases the muscles strength and flexibility of the upper body.

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It also offers the optimal cardio vascular training. The unlimited range of resistance is given through air displacement turbine. This break system allows the using of the CROSS COUNTRY ERGOMETER independent from age or fitness-level. The load is regulated by the pulling effort. The working position is adjustable for all body height.
The CROSS COUNTRY ERGOMETER is quality engineered using the heavy-duty component. This ergo meter could be disassembled in two parts for convenient transportation or storage.
The CROSS COUNTRY ERGOMETER optimal and cost effective training machine provided with an electronic unit PERFORMANCE MONITOR for monitoring time, movement rate, force and power. Performance monitor take signals from strain gages sensors for accurate measuring of force and power. 

Display Device

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The Display Device is designed to be menu driven and self-explanatory. Via the menu system it’s also possible to adjust all the parameters, to switch data recording on/off, to choose the desired display during the work and to transfer the recorded data to a PC for further analysis in an easy and simple way using the EXPERT software package.
When the device is connected to a PC, it is possible to do the software adjustments, to memorize and to follow the complete work on the Cross Country Ergo in the REMOTE mode.
Using only 4 buttons (ENTER, ESCAPE, UP, DOWN) it is possible to perform all the Display Device functions. It makes working with the device easy and simple.

Display Device Main Characteristics

  • Backlight
  • Rechargeable battery with about 15 hours of authonomy
  • After switching ON, the last screen settings appear
  • Graphic display
  • Display options including graphical or numerical data  
  • Time, Stroke rate, Power, Work, Force, Heart rate
  • Choose from a variety of units - Power (W)  or Force (N) - to be displayed with bigger fonts in the middle of the display. Switch between the units during a workout using UP/DOWN buttons
  • Pre-programming the workouts with time, rest time and numbers of intervals
  • Store workout data on the board memory or just work without recording
  • Recall function
  • Memory status
  • Battery status
  • PC COM interface (USB)
  • Real-time monitoring on the performance monitor or PC
  • The accuracy control or calibration is possible at any time with PC

Display Device Modes

Two modes for presentation of the measured and calculated parameters are available:
  • Text mode
  • graphic mode

Text mode

In text mode, it is possible to monitor five parameters at the same time.
Time, Cadence and Heart Rate are standard fields that are presented in all text modes. Main and Average field could be switched to different views pressing UP and DOWN buttons.
The following views are avaliable: Power [W], Force [N],Length [cm], Energy [J], Graph mode.

Graphic mode

In graph mode, two parameters can be followed at once.
In the upper part of the display (Left & Right Average Value) are numerical values of the measured parameters (POWER, FORCE…) and this values are refreshed after each stroke. Left & Right Graph represents graphical interpretation of the measured parametar. Two bars at the middle of the display are presentation of the last stroke, shown separatlyto allow easy comparation of two sides (left & right force, left & right power etc.).
In graph mode, four different views are avaliable. Three of them are predefined (Forces, Lengths, Power & HR). The last one is Custom mode. Switching through views can be done by pressing ENTER button.

Memory capacity

Data recorded during a session is put in the memory. It’s capacity depends on the sampling rate (table below). The Memory indicator in the Status bar shows the fullness of this memory.

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Sample rate

(100 samples/sec)

(50 samples/sec)

(25 samples/sec)

Very Low
(10 samples/sec)


(870 sec)

(1740 sec)

(3480 sec)

(8700 sec)

This data can be transferred to PC for further analyse in EXPERT software.
The Recall memory has 30 hours capacity. Average values per minute of the following parameters (Power, Force, Energy, Stroke rate) are memorized in this memory.