Heidelberg innovates for packaging

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Heidelberg is pressing its packaging credentials, launching several innovations that it says will help packaging printers meet increasing demand for shorter run lengths and more embellishments, all while meeting short delivery times and sustainability expectations.

Promatrix 145 CSB: innovative die cutter

The company presented its latest solutions at its Innovation Week, currently taking place in Weisloch and being live-streamed around the world.

Heidelberg head of folding carton segment Jörg Dähnhardt said the growth market of packaging, and especially folding carton manufacturing are part of Heidelberg’s core business.

“Our product portfolio is leading the industry, and we are introducing innovations to further enhance it based on our customers’ demands, Dähnhardt said.

“The optimisation of folding carton manufacturing for the benefit of our customers is an integral part of our company strategy.”

Heidelberg says it offers customised systems for converting operations: from job creation all the way to the finished folding carton.

The company said its new operating concept based on Heidelberg User Experience UX makes packaging printing easier than ever, across all format classes. An example of this is the Speedmaster CX 102.

Heidelberg said the Speedmaster CX 102 from the new 2020 generation combines flexibility with navigated printing. It starts with efficient production planning via the Prinect Scheduler. Production is optimised for multiple print jobs with the same or similar spot colours, materials, or die-cutting tools, and placed in the Job Queue of the Speedmaster CX 102 fully automatically and in the correct order – without manual intervention.

The company said the Wallscreen XL guides the operator through the individual processes. With Intellistart 3, up to 50 upcoming job changes can be prepared on the press while production is underway. Intelliguide navigates the operator through the complete job change and always selects the fastest makeready process. Intelliline visualises the process phase at the individual printing and coating units and indicates when and where a manual intervention is required. Assistance systems such as Color Assistant Pro and Wash Assistant use artificial intelligence for continuous improvement.

Heidelberg says good sheet production starts as quickly as possible thanks to precise ink presetting and an intelligent selection of the most suitable washup programs. This reduces paper waste and costs, according to the company.

With Intellirun, the relevant production information is shown at the right time, fully automatically, on the Wallscreen throughout the production run. Data feedback to the Prinect Production Workflow allows precise reporting for each individual job, including quality documentation.  

The Prinect workflow connects the various machines and processes and allows navigated folding carton production, or, in the ideal case, even autonomous production.

The company says consumables from the Saphira family and digital services ensure a stable production environment and the highest possible machine availability.

For folding carton printers, innovations for the Speedmaster XL 106 , a new die-cutter and several innovations for the Diana folder gluers were demonstrated at an event earlier this month.

The new Mastermatrix 106 CSB was unveiled earlier in the year. It is the new flagship die-cutter from MK Masterwork and Heidelberg, with a production speed of up to 9000 sheets per hour.

Heidelberg says the machine is designed for high speed and fast make-ready times. A new quick-lock clamping system for the cutting plate shortens the setup time without affecting tool compatibility with existing plates.

Setup time is further minimised by MasterRake – the non-stop swords in the delivery are locked pneumatically and can be disengaged at the push of a button and moved by the operator. This shortens the setup time at the delivery by up to 70 percent, the company says.

The Mastermatrix is integrated in the Prinect workflow. Job specific data is received at the die-cutter from Prinect. Data such as the sheet format is transferred and - after confirmation by the operator - the MasterFeeder sets itself automatically to the sheet format without further manual intervention.

During production, Heidelberg says the MasterSet optical register system ensures perfect registration between the print image and cutting tool for each sheet individually with the utmost precision. The camdrive of the Mastermatrix ensures a smooth and quiet production.

Two other new die cutters were launched earlier this year to complete the portfolio – the Powermatrix 106 CSB and Promatrix 145 CSB.

For short runs in packaging and commercial printing the Digimatrix line will be added in future: the Digimatrix 80 LR and the Digimatrix 106 LR. These digital die-cutters are integrated in the Prinect workflow and employ laser cutting technology; they are currently scheduled for launch in 2021. Both machines provide the option of an inline rotary creasing station and achieve speeds of up to 3000 sheets per hour.

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Digimatrix 106LR Laser Cardboard Cutter