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Top Pump and Pumping Equipment Manufacturers in the U.S.

Posted by IndustrySelect on Monday, April 19, 2021


Pumps are critical to fluid motion and control. Commercial pumps are mainly focused on two sectors: oil and gas and water management systems. However, pump and pumping equipment manufacturers of all types are needed in virtually every industry and for an overwhelming majority of machines.

Pump sales have been somewhat sluggish due to the domino effect that COVID-19 shutdowns have created. Total jobs have only increased by 0.54% to a total of 43,883 individuals. Another sticking point is the relatively large international distribution rate of nearly 50%. During the pandemic, this had a significant impact on total sales as overseas manufacturing came to a standstill.

Data collected by MNI counts 1,025 companies that identify as pump and pumping equipment manufacturers. The majority of these companies are located in the South, with 40% residing in this region. Another 28% are based in the Midwest, with a near-even split of the remainder in the Northeast and West, with 15% and 17% respectively.

Top Pump and Pumping Equipment Manufacturers

Top Companies City State Number of Employees
Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Co. Cheswick PA 873
Baker Hughes Oilfield Operations, Inc. Claremore OK 800
Pentair Flow Technologies, LLC Delavan WI 700
Xylem Morton Grove IL 650
Granite Construction, Inc. Orleans IN 500
The Gorman-Rupp Co. Mansfield OH 500
GIW Industries, Inc. Grovetown GA 415
A.Y. McDonald Manufacturing Co. Dubuque IA 410

About the Top Pump and Pumping Equipment Manufacturers

1. Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Co.

Curtiss-Wright was formed when the Wright brothers, the two leading US pioneers of aviation, and Glenn Curtiss combined forces in 1929. Over the next nine decades, Curtiss-Wright has acquired more than 60 companies and expanded from aerospace to virtually every industry imaginable. The Curtiss-Wright Flow Control division is based in Cheswick, PA and employs 873 people.

2. Baker Hughes

Recently divested from Genera Electric, Baker Hughes operates in over 120 countries and focuses on all of the processes necessary to find, drill and acquire oil at both on- and offshore sites. The reliability of their products is so high that at one site, a horizontal pump ran nearly uninterrupted for 11 years. The 800 workers at the Baker Hughes Oilfield Operations division based in Claremore, OK manufacture electric submersible pumps. At the Baker Hughes branch in Tulsa, OK, 400 employees concentrate on oilfield calibration equipment.

3. Pentair Flow Technologies, LLC

Balloons may not seem related to their core business today, but Pentair was founded by five people interested in high-altitude ballooning. Over the next 150 years, they slowly became a facility of 700 people in Delavan, WI. They moved from a focus on air to a focus on water and its treatment. With roughly 65% of their $3 billion in revenue coming from the United States and Canada, they service both residential and commercial customers with items ranging from pool pumps to pressure cleaning pumps to agricultural solutions and fire protection.

4. Xylem

Xylem was originally part of ITT Corporation but was spun out in 2011. Overall, the company has revenues exceeding $5 billion and a net income of $330 million. Morton Grove, IL is home to one branch of 650 workers who manufacture centrifugal pumps. Over in Auburn, NY, another division of Xylem, which employs 450 people, produces residential water pumps.

5. Granite Construction, Inc.

Granite Construction has its roots in the California Gold Rush of the 1800s. Today, they specialize in complex construction projects, water management including flood control and wastewater management, mining, and energy production. The Orleans, IN branch employs 500 people and builds water well and water treatment pumps.

6. The Gorman-Rupp Co.

In the middle of the Great Depression, two entrepreneurs got together to create a company that could serve as the market leader for pumps. Gorman-Rupp may have begun in a small barn in Mansfield, OH, but it has since grown into the vision its founders held. The company's 500 workers produce over 4,000 distinct models of pumps, occupy more than one million total square feet of manufacturing space and regularly have sales in excess of $400 million.

7. GIW Industries, Inc.

GIW Industries started as a machine and foundry shop and rapidly found its niche making slurry pumps for phosphate processors in Florida. This led them to become one of the industry-leading pump and pumping equipment manufacturers for pumps capable of handling abrasive fluids. The 415 employees of this Grovetown, GA company have many claims to fame, including the world’s largest slurry pump, which features a 92” diameter impeller and weighs 209,000 pounds.

8. A.Y. McDonald Manufacturing Co.

Born an orphan, Andrew Young McDonald took up a plumbing apprenticeship at the age of 14. Upon completion, he immigrated to America and set up a business in Dubuque, IA. About 165 years and 410 employees later, his work ethic and determination have helped to build one of the leading pump manufacturers in the United States. A.Y. McDonald Manufacturing's range of products covers various types of jet pumps, booster pumps, submersible pumps and effluent pumps.

Even though the current state of the pump sector is stagnant, reductions in COVID-19 restrictions and an increase in infrastructure and energy projects worldwide mean that demand for pump and pumping equipment manufacturers will soon rise.

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