'); jQuery('td#prod_item_' + this.sPKey + ' div.actions input.btn_addtocart').removeAttr('disabled'); //HideLoading(); }; //- Uom.drawPrice Uom.loading = function () { jQuery('td#prod_item_' + this.sPKey + ' div.actions input.btn_addtocart').attr('disabled','disabled'); jQuery('td#prod_item_' + this.sPKey + ' div.item_pricing').html(sLoadingMessage); }; //- Uom.loading /** * toggleQty */ Uom.toggleQty = function () { /*if(jQuery('#uom_type_' + this.sPKey).val() == 'sales'){ jQuery('#qty_' + this.sPKey).attr("name", 'sales_qty_' + this.sPKey); } else { jQuery('#qty_' + this.sPKey).attr("name", 'qty_' + this.sPKey); }//-if(jQuery('#uom_type_' + vPKey).val() == 'sales') NO! Don't do this! */ }; //- Uom.toggleDisplay /** * error */ Uom.error = function () { alert('There was an error retrieving the information for the product you selected.'); }; //- Uom.error })(UomJQ); /** * AJAX Call to remove item from favorites list. * * @author johns * @since 10/15/2009 */ function fncRemoveItem ( sProdKey ) { jQuery.ajax({ url: sPageName, data: 'pageaction=removefavitems&p_key=' + sProdKey + '&fl_key=' + sFl_Key + '&r_id=' + new Date().getTime(), type: 'GET', async: false, dataType: 'text', success: function () { fncRemoveItemCompleted ( sProdKey ); } }); } //- function fncRemoveItem ( sProdKey ) //- EVENT FUNCTIONS ================================================== function fncRemoveItemCompleted( p_key ) { //list view var $container = jQuery('td#prod_item_' + p_key); var $container2 = jQuery('tr#' + p_key); if ($container.length > 0) { // $container.hide(); $container.remove(); } else { // $container2.hide(); $container2.remove(); } //gallery view $container = jQuery('div#prod_item_' + p_key); if ($container.length > 0) { $container.remove(); } } //- function fncRemoveItemCompleted( p_key ) //================================================================ function closeCartLightbox() { if (jQuery('#cart_window_unused').length) { //cart_window oAjax.Reset(); oAjax.RequestFile = 'i_i_shopping_cart_window.asp' oAjax.Method = 'GET'; oAjax.onCompletion = function () { jQuery('#cart_window_unused').replaceWith(oAjax.Response); jQuery("#atc_msg_buttons").show(); tb_init('#cartwin_shipping a.thickbox'); }; oAjax.ResponseType = 'text'; //- The format of returned data. xml, text, json. oAjax.RunAJAX(); } jQuery('#atc_msg_product, #atc_msg_notice').empty(); } /** * This will perform an ajax get request on the ORDERFRONTURL's * showcart.asp page to create a cookie of the SSL domain to * maintain session information such as the shopping cart. * * @author lroselli * @since 04/10/2013 */ function fncBuildSSLCookie() { // ddara - 9/22/2014 // This is only required when the SSL is on a domain that is different from the rest of the site. // We must strip the protocol since they are often times different, even if the domains are the same. // ASP detected that the storefront and orderfront domains are the same and thus the SSL // cookie pass through is not required. } //- fncBuildSSLCookie /** * This function handles calling the add to cart page via ajax for * a single product key. * * @author johns * @since 03/19/2013 * * @modified johns - 3/19/2013: added param "bIsAccessory" and the code w/ it * * @param p_key (string): key of the product to be added to * cart * @param bIsAccessory (bool): is the call coming from product addon window * * @return */ function ajaxAddKeys(p_key, bIsAccessory) { var sStockStatus = ''; var sAtcType = 'POST'; var sAtcSfx = '_' + p_key; if (bIsAccessory === undefined) { bIsAccessory = false; } var sUomData = ''; var sUomType = ''; var sUom = ''; var sUomStd = ''; var iUomSalesConv = 0; var iMaxQty = ''; var iMinQty = ''; try { $qtybox = jQuery('#qty_' + p_key); var iQtyMultiplier = jQuery('#multiplier_on_qty_display_' + p_key).val(); if (iQtyMultiplier === undefined) { iQtyMultiplier = 1; } if (bShowSalesUOM) { sUomType = jQuery('#uom_type_' + p_key).val(); sUom = jQuery('#uom_' + sUomType + '_' + p_key).val(); sUomStd = jQuery('#uom_std_' + p_key).val(); iUomSalesConv = jQuery('#uom_conv_' + p_key).val(); sUomData += '&uom=' + sUom + '&uomconv=' + iUomSalesConv + '&uomtype=' + sUomType; if (bShowNativeUOMinCart) { sUomData += '&stduom=' + sUomStd; } } var sQty = $qtybox.val(); var sProduct; var sProductImage; var $container; if (jQuery('#prod_item_' + p_key).length > 0) { // product html for gallery view $container = jQuery('#prod_item_' + p_key).children('.prod_item_pad'); sProductName = $container.children('.nm').html(); sInStock = jQuery('#in_stock_' + p_key).val(); if (sInStock !== undefined && sInStock !== '') { sStockStatus = '&in_stock_' + p_key + '=' + sInStock; } jQuery('#atc_msg_product').addClass('prod_item'); sProductImage = '
' + $container.children('.thumb').html() + '
'; if ($container.children('.thumb').html() === null || typeof $container.children('.thumb').html() == 'undefined') { sProductImage = ''; } sProduct = sProductImage + '' + sProductName + ' (' + sQty + ')'; } else { // product html for list view $container = jQuery('#' + p_key); sProdName = $container.children('td.product_desc').children('p').html(); sProdImage = $container.children('td.product_thumb').html(); if (sProdImage === null || typeof sProdImage == 'undefined') { sProdImage = ''; } sProduct = sProdImage + '' + sProdName + ' (' + sQty + ')'; } //- if ( jQuery('#prod_item_' + p_key).length > 0 ) var sPWID = '&pw_id' + sAtcSfx + '=' + (jQuery('#pw_id_' + p_key).val() || ''); if (parseFloat(sQty) > 0) { if (bUsingOrderDetailTableForCarts) { jQuery.ajax({ url: 'i_i_add_to_cart.asp?ajax=listview&action=postlogic', data: 'type=ajaxadd&key=' + p_key + '&qty'+sAtcSfx+'=' + sQty + '&maxqty'+sAtcSfx+'='+iMaxQty + '&minqty'+sAtcSfx+'=' +iMinQty + '&multiplier_on_qty_display'+sAtcSfx+'='+iQtyMultiplier + sStockStatus + sUomData + sPWID, cache: false, type: sAtcType, dataType: 'json', success: function (jsonOrder) { handleAjaxATCSuccess(bIsAccessory, p_key, sProduct, jsonOrder); }, complete: function (jsonOrder) { // Enable the ATC button for the particular product that it was clicked on. $('button.order_btn[data-pkey="' + p_key + '"]').prop('disabled', false) .children('i.icon-spinner').remove(); }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert('Error: ' + errorThrown); } }); } else { jQuery.ajax({ url: 'i_i_add_to_cart.asp?ajax=listview', data: 'type=ajaxadd&key=' + p_key + '&qty'+sAtcSfx+'=' + sQty + sStockStatus + sUomData, cache: false, type: sAtcType, dataType: 'text', error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert('Error: ' + errorThrown); }, success: function (oData) { handleAjaxATCSuccess(bIsAccessory, p_key, sProduct, oData); }, complete: function () { // Enable the ATC button for the particular product that it was clicked on. $('button.order_btn[data-pkey="' + p_key + '"]').prop('disabled', false) .children('i.icon-spinner').remove(); } }); } //- if ( bUsingOrderDetailTableForCarts ) return true; } else { return false; } } catch (oError) { jQuery('.atc_msg').hide() return false; } } //- function ajaxAddKeys /** * This function the success of the ajax ATC call. * * @author johns * @since 03/19/2013 * * @param sP_Key (string): key of the product detail page loaded * @param $oProd (jQuery object): contains the html of the product info * to be loaded in the modal popup window * @param bIsAccessory (bool): is the call coming from product addon window * * @return void */ function handleAjaxATCSuccess(bIsAccessory, sP_Key, $oProd, jsonOrder) { /* * added js var to perform based on whether or not the item just added was an addon product * johns - 02/20/2013 */ if ( bShowRecommendedItems && bIsAccessory ) { jQuery('#atc_msg_product').html(''); jQuery('#qty_' + sP_Key).val(''); jQuery('#atc_msg').css('height', '400px'); } else if ( bShowRecommendedItems && ! bIsAccessory ) { jQuery('#atc_msg_product').html($oProd); jQuery.get('i_i_pc_add_ons.asp?searchstring=searchexact~p_id~' + sP_Key + '&modal=1&display=' + sRecommendedItemsView) .done(function ( sData ) { jQuery('#atc_msg_addon_container').html(sData); if ( jQuery('#ors_eof_result').val().toLowerCase() !== 'false' ) { jQuery('#atc_msg').removeClass('with-recommended'); jQuery('.viewport').css('height', '0'); jQuery('#atc_msg').show(); jQuery('#atc_msg_container').show(); } else { jQuery('#atc_msg').show(); jQuery('#atc_msg_container').show(); } //- if ( jQuery('#ors_result').val().toLowerCase() !== 'false' }); jQuery('body').addClass('modal-open'); try { if(typeof jsonOrder == 'undefined') { fncCartRefresh(); } else { fncCartRefresh(jsonOrder[1].item_count, jsonOrder[1].o_total); } } catch(err) { // Silently fail because this is only relevant // with newer versions of cart preview } /* * normal ajax atc window * johns - 02/20/2013 */ } else { jQuery('#atc_msg_product').html($oProd); jQuery('#atc_msg_buttons').show(); try { if(typeof jsonOrder == 'undefined') { fncCartRefresh(); } else { fncCartRefresh(jsonOrder[1].item_count, jsonOrder[1].o_total); } } catch(err) { // Silently fail because this is only relevant // with newer versions of cart preview } } //- if ( bShowRecommendedItems && bIsAccessory ) if (!false) { populateAtcConfirmationModal(sP_Key).done(showAtcConfirmationModal); } runHook('handleAtcSuccess',{ ProductKey: sP_Key }); } //- function fncHandleAjaxATCSuccess () if (bDisableATCZeroQtyWarehouse) { jQuery('td').delegate('[id^=pw_id_]', 'change', function(event) { if (jQuery(event.target).children(':selected').text().indexOf("(Qty: 0)") > -1 || jQuery(event.target).children(':selected').text() == "[Select One]") { sKey = jQuery(event.target).attr("id").replace('pw_id_', '') jQuery('#' + sKey + ' .btn_addtocart').attr('disabled', 'disabled') } else { sKey = jQuery(event.target).attr("id").replace('pw_id_', '') jQuery('#' + sKey + ' .btn_addtocart').removeAttr('disabled') } }); } jQuery('[id*="get_wh_btn_"]').click(function(){ var sPKey = ''; sKey = $(this).attr("ID"); sPKey = sKey.replace('get_wh_btn_',''); fncGetNewProductWarehouse(sPKey); }); function populateAtcConfirmationModal(sProductKey) { var aRequirements = []; aRequirements.push(populatePromoNotificationBar(sProductKey)); // Return a promise representing when all the requirements are finished. return jQuery.when.apply(jQuery, aRequirements); } function populatePromoNotificationBar(sProductKey) { return jQuery.ajax({ /* Can't use i_i_ page because the necessary classes are in the template. */ url: 'i_promo_notification_html.asp', type: 'GET', dataType: 'html', data: { pageaction: 'promo_notification_bar', p_keys: sProductKey } }).done(function(sData) { if (sData.length > 0) { jQuery('#atc_msg').removeClass('modal-small').addClass('modal-large'); jQuery('#atc_promo_bar').html(sData); jQuery('#atc_msg').one('hidden', resetPromotionNotificationBar); // The ticker cannot be started until the elements are visible. jQuery('#atc_msg').one('shown', function () { jQuery('#atc_promo_bar .notification-center').trigger('notification-center-added'); }); } else { resetPromotionNotificationBar(); } }).fail(function() { console.error("Unable to retrive promotion messages"); resetPromotionNotificationBar(); }); } function resetPromotionNotificationBar() { // Disable the notification bar before removing it so the function which runs on an // interval doesn't error on the missing elements. disableNotificationBar(jQuery('#atc_promo_bar')); jQuery('#atc_msg').removeClass('modal-large').addClass('modal-small'); jQuery('#atc_promo_bar').empty(); } function showAtcConfirmationModal() { jQuery('#atc_msg').modal('show'); } function fncGetNewProductWarehouse(sPKey) { try { jQuery.ajax({ url: sPageName , data: ({ pageaction : 'getproductwarehouse' ,ajax : genID() ,key : sPKey ,getall : bInStockShowEmptyWarehouses }) , cache: false , dataType: "text" , async: false , success: function(data){ sDefaultWH = jQuery('#pw_id_' + sPKey).val(); fncDrawNewProductWarehouse(data,sPKey); if (sDefaultWH.Len == 32) { jQuery('#pw_id_' + sPKey).val(sDefaultWH); } else { jQuery("#pw_id_" + sPKey + " option").not(':contains("Qty: 0")').filter(':first').attr('selected',true); } } }); } catch (err){ //alert(err.message); } } function fncDrawNewProductWarehouse(data,sPKey) { var aWareHouses, aSubWareHouses; var sDisplay; var bSelected = false; if (data!='') { $('#wh_td_' + sPKey).html(''); aWareHouses = data.split('|'); for (var i = 0; i [Select One]') if (data!='') { aWareHouses = data.split('|'); for (var i =0; i 1 [johns - 02/26/2016] $('form input').each(function() { if ($(this)[0].hasAttribute('step') && ( $(this).attr('step') !== '' || $(this).attr('step') > 1 )) { $('form').attr('novalidate', 'novalidate'); return false; } }); }); // Broken Image Replacement var utils = {}; utils.handleImageError = function (img) { if ($(img).attr('src') !== 'images/no-image.png') $(img).attr('src', 'images/no-image.png'); };
testing 2