Types of Drilling Rigs (Both Offshore and Onshore) – Cartoon Version

We would like to present some drilling knowledge in the new form. Therefore, this time we’ve created the cartoon in the topic of Types of Drilling Rigs (Both Offshore and Onshore).

Please feel free to give us any recommendation.

Ref; http://www.wikipedia.org/



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Working in the oil field and loving to share knowledge.

2 Responses to Types of Drilling Rigs (Both Offshore and Onshore) – Cartoon Version

  1. Tyler- Drill Rig says:

    This is very good for people to understand about drilling. The use of a comic like way to describe will connect more kids to learning about them. Its also an easy way to show people about the industry I’m in. Thank you for this!

  2. chirayu trivedi says:

    Simple teaching and high knowledge sharing. Topic explanation was really convincing and was made interesting with the help of cartoons and photos of rigs.

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